How it All Started...
Family Outreach Church Ministries was officially launched on September 8, 2008. However, the vision was planted in the hearts of then Elder Earl Shy, Sr., and Minister Geneva Shy in the early 2000s. Elder Shy began to have dreams and visions of ministry, sometimes being awakened from a sound sleep by voices calling his name, saying, “Pastor Shy, come help us.” On other occasions, he would be wide awake and hear people saying, “Pastor Shy.” He sought counsel with his pastor, who, at that time, did not perceive what God was revealing to Elder Shy.
Elder Shy now understands that his pastor was not supposed to see it, because he was being processed for purpose. So, he waited five more years, serving faithfully in ministry while simmering in the pot of process. Then, in June of 2007, his pastor sent him to Willard, NC, to pastor UPHC Willard, where he gained valuable and needed experience. After 13 months, God released him, telling him that he was now ready to start his own ministry. Two months later, on September 8, 2008, Family Outreach Church Ministries was birthed in their home at 1421 Mockingbird Lane, New Bern, NC. Those in attendance were Pastor Shy, Co-Pastor Shy, their mothers Annie Mae Bess and Ina Mae Shy, Michael and Annie Sewell, Shamella Rosario, and her three children Aniza, Xenia, and Zanai.
They continued holding services in their home, praying, fasting, preaching, and teaching. Shortly after starting, the Sewells needed something more established, so they moved on. Pastor Shy realized that Shamella needed a more structured environment, so he asked Pastor Carrie Sawyer of UPHC Bayboro to take her under her ministry in watch care until they became better established. Despite these changes, the Shys remained committed to their call.
They continued in their home until, by divine intervention, they attended a yard sale at Highways & Hedges Church, where Pastor Shy met Bishop Curtis Brown. They discussed Family Outreach’s need for a building, and Bishop Brown showed Pastor Shy two rooms at the back of the church—one to use as a sanctuary and the other as an office or pastor’s study. He told Pastor Shy not to worry about money, and to just give a love offering whenever he could.
At this point, the ministry was being financed by the pastors. That day, Pastor Shy walked out of the church with the keys. The small sanctuary room held about 20 small school chairs, but the pastors continued preaching and teaching faithfully, as if the room was full. Sometimes it was just the two of them, and other times with their mothers. The Lord began to add to the church: Brother Elbert Fonville, Shonda Hopson and her family, Shamella and her daughters returned, Deacon Dennis and Mother Mary Burrus joined the ministry, and their family came along with our forever member, Sister Phyllis Jones.
People would come and go, but the pastors remained faithful. As the little room filled up, the Lord spoke to Pastor Shy, telling him it was time to move. Without hesitation and with no money, they stepped out on faith and found a building that needed some work. With the favor of God and the faithful few pulling together—working, sanding, painting, and cleaning—they were able to move in. Shabach Outreach Church in Durham, NC, with Apostle Andre and Sharon Marshall, donated the chairs, pulpit, and podium. Bishop Holly and Sherry Raby donated the banners, which still hang on the walls today. Bishop and Lady Raby embraced the ministry and blessed it in many ways.
Ministry continued, and as with all ministries, some people came, and some left, but the spirit of the Lord remained, and the pastors stayed faithful. It was here that they had their first musician and praise team, but eventually, it was time to move again. However, God, in His faithfulness, opened the door to a building just down the street that needed a lot of work. With little money but with a people who had a mind to work and the favor of the Lord, he turned a mess into a miracle. Before long, they were worshipping in a new place.
After years in that location, the ministry flourished. Preachers, teachers, youth leaders, ushers, musicians, and financial officers were raised up. In 2017, S.O.L.E. (School of Learning and Equipping) classes were birthed. The first deacon and mother were ordained: Deacon Dennis and Mother Mary Burrus. Three elders were also ordained: Elder Elmon Smith, Elder Bobbie Brooks, and Elder Felicia Daniels-Brown. Many people came, and many left, but the presence of the Lord remained, and the pastors stayed faithful.
In early 2019, they received word that the church building had been sold and they had three months to relocate. But God, being God, had already prepared this present house for the transition. Though it required some work, the people were always ready to put their hands to the plow and work. On April 7, 2019, they marched in singing, “We’ve Come This Far by Faith.” Then came the pandemic. Churches everywhere were closing, but God continued to bless. Ministry continued to flow—sometimes in the parking lot, sometimes on Facebook Live, and sometimes via Zoom. But ministry continued. The people continued to give, the lights stayed on, and the doors stayed open.
As Pastor Shy accepted his Apostolic call and Pastor G became Senior Pastor, with Earl Shy Jr. as Co-Pastor, other ministers stepped up to help Family Outreach move forward. Elder Elmon Smith, Senior Elder, along with Elder Jerome Harper, Elder Lutricia Peed, and Elder Ann Coleman worked together with Deacon and Mother Burrus, keeping the foundation of prayer strong and helping in any way possible. With Pastor Earl, Jr. and Denise leading the youth ministry, Family Outreach continues to shift and develop into the people who will make a difference in the world.
“The Shift Is On”